paris Lyrics by Quare, from the album “Paris“, music has been produced by Quare, and paris song lyrics are penned down by Quare.

paris Lyrics

Can you hear it
Can you see it
Can you feel it
Can you taste it

I found it
I finally found it
I’m looking right at it
It’s right there
My love
My sweet love
I get it now
You’re the one who cared

I can reach that high
I can tie loose ends
I’ll cut my vices
And make amends
I can bite that bullet
I can take that leap
That die, I’ll roll it
And I’ll be free

I’m sorry
I feel so damn sorry
For all that I’ve put them through
Them and me
But as I see it
I’m doing much better now
More than I’ve ever been
As much as I’ll ever be
So this is goodbye
Left with an ultimatum
Leave it all behind
For this bеautiful new world
Beautiful new world

Whеre I can reach that high
I can tie loose ends
I can cut my vices
And make amends
I can bite that bullet
I can take that leap
And I’m no poet
It’s not that deep

But I should write something
A small thing before I go
To tell everyone where I’m headed
So I’m writing this note
Don’t be sad
Just know that I’m happy now
I’m going to Paris
I’ll be gone for a little while

Cause somebody tripped
I caught them by instinct
And now I start to question
If I’m as bad as I think
Cause maybe I’m wrong
Maybe I’m dead wrong
I’m not even close
Not a little bit, not at all
So I take that stupid note
And I cast it in the lake
I walk away from that cliff
No, not now, not today
So I still defy these stars
But in a different type of way
See, I defy everything they are
Living to see another day

I made a new friend today
I finally let it in
And when they asked my name
I said something different
The answer, here all along
Way back in my head
So when they asked my name
Here’s what I said
That’s my name
In my brain


Song: paris
Artist: Quare
Album: Paris (2023)
Music: Quare
Lyrics: Quare

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