Hey there, I want to tell you about a cool song called “The Vitality of Life by Crow Lyrics” by an artist named Haux. It’s part of an album called “Blue Angeles,” released in 2024. The music for this track was created by Haux & UE Nastasi, while the lyrics were by Haux. So, if you’re into music, this might be something you’d enjoy checking out!

The Vitality of Life by Crow Lyrics

Faith, laughter, family, love and the vitality of life. We are only human beings on this land. With our footprints as we walk–when you walk, think about this planet that you walk on. It is precious. So precious beyond any words that have ever been written by man. Because this is something that is just incredible. It’s so incredible. You say your prayers to that incredible Mother Earth every day. Because that’s the bounty, the beauty, and the vitality that gives you life. Without that we’re nothing


Song: The Vitality of Life by Crow
Artist: Haux
Album: Blue Angeles (2024)
Music: Haux & UE Nastasi
Lyrics: Haux

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